About Us

Posted by Harsha Saturday, January 9, 2010

The first time I played a video game, I was three years old. Being able to control another entity, albeit it was just a few oddly-shaped pixels, was extremely compelling. But it was really titles like Wolf3d and Contra that hooked me onto games. I mean, you get to KILL HITLER! How could you go wrong with that?! Though born around the Fourth Generation of videogames, I was lucky to experience everything from old school sprites, vectors and 8-bits to polygons, pixel shaders and full-scale glory of bloom overkill of the Current Gen.

Though I initially started gaming on a PC, I eventually moved onto various consoles. Still the PC has always been my primary gaming platform. I usually play a vast selection of genres from FPSs to RPG, JRPG, RTS, etc . I have sifted through literally hundreds of titles, and it’s difficult to name a favourite. But a few that I think came close to achieving perfection in their respective genres are Half Life series and GTA: Vice City.

First 10 sec of gameplay, you get in a car,Billy Jean is playing on the radio.That is how you start a game!

A lot of the games I’m into, old and new, offer up a lot on the art front: the scripted narrative, visual style, music, artwork or overall aesthetic, mood and tone. I’m interested in the ways in which this affects and interacts with gameplay and the player’s experience. My primary interest in games journalism is as a medium for communicating ideas through experience. I’m a slave to good game design, music and art.

Video Games have taught me a lot in Life. I am a fully functional combat operative, tactical and Spec Ops Unit. I am now qualified to be hired by any Special Task Force of the world, be it the British S.A.S, the US Marine Corps, NSA, or any secret government agencies. I am also a very potent thief, and an experienced ace combat fighter pilot. My experience ranges from being a veteran soldier in WWII, the Civil War, ’Nam, various epic battles throughout history to killing aliens as a Space Marine.

I have shown amazing versatility for survival in f-ed up towns with monsters, armed with only a wooden plank and a rusted nail wedged into it. I have saved the world from total destruction and apocalypse, multiple times before bedtime. In case of the inevitable apocalypse, I have shown great resilience in fighting hordes of zombies. I am adept in post-apocalypse survival due to my expertise in certain special sets of skills namely scavenging, camping, griefing and tking (only when required of course) I have learnt that if pumped with bullets, it is wise to take cover while I heal. I have discovered that killing hookers after finishing up can get back your money.

While I’m not doing any of the above I live my average life under the name Harsha Vardhana, as a student of Computer Engineering in a University. If you have any ideas, suggestions to improve the site, or would like to write a post for the site feel free to email me.

TL; DR I'm a gamer. This is my gaming Blog!


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